Sunday, April 17, 2011

B/S Camping!

Every other year, the brothers and sisters of Psi and Epsilon Kappa go on a joint camping trip together.  This year’s camping trip was a huge success—and it wasn’t even a camping trip.

After the Brotherhood-Sisterhood Chairs (BS Chairs) of Psi and Epsilon Kappa had spent weeks of detailed planning for a camping trip in Morro Bay, crazy weather hit California in the days just before we were about to go camping.  Torrents of rain poured down, so that freeways were even flooded.  Because these conditions made it unsafe and unpleasant for brothers and sisters to make the trek from Los Angeles to Morro Bay, our BS Chairs had to make a quick change of plans—and instead of camping in the wild, we were graciously hosted at the house of Psi’s BS Chair for two nights and three days.
On the first night, after people arrived at the house, Psi and EK watched the Little Mermaid together.  The next day, the chapters played a lot of fun games together, including Psychologist and a game where we had to think of songs that had a certain word in them and sing a new one when called upon until no one had any more song ideas containing that word.  I was really impressed with the great BS Camping Trip and how much our BS Chairs made the event like camping despite the fact that we were not in tents outside.  We went to the park for hours one day, had a picnic lunch, and even roasted Smores on the grill.  Those were the best Smores I ever had!
After a fun day of being outside, we all went back to the house, had a delicious dinner called a “Hobopack,” and played many games throughout the night, including charades and Catchphrase.  We also had cobbler made using cake mix—a trick I had never seen before, but it came out great.  Throughout the camping trip, brothers and sisters also made a music video. 
The trip was a huge success, and I feel a lot closer to my brothers and sisters after going. 

- Helen Durand, Alpha Mu
Parliamentarian, 2010-2011