District Leadership Conferences is my favorite District event. Maybe because it marks the beginning of the “District season.” Maybe because it was the first District event I ever attended. Maybe because the focus of the whole event is learning how to make better leaders. Whichever the reason, there is no doubt in my mind that DLC ’11 changed my life.
It was a wonderful weekend, full of learning how to better lead as a Sister and creating friendships with Brothers and Sisters alike. Epsilon Kappa came out of DLC stronger than we had been when we entered. We found support in our District Officers and Counselor, in our Sisters and Brothers across the District, and in each other. From staying up until five in the morning, to crying during "The Affirmation," to helping everyone get home safely in spite of car troubles, Epsilon Kappa got stronger this weekend.
It is amazing how much growth can happen in one weekend. I saw firsthand how much and individual can grow, and when many individuals grow the growth they can inspire in a larger group; I am so proud to be a Sister from Epsilon Kappa.
- Rachel Goldman, Alpha Mu