Monday, April 23, 2012

B/S Song Learning with Alumni!

With the B/S Song only being a few years old, it came to the Alumni officers’ attention that all of the alumni might not know the song. So, Jowilyn and I hosted an event dedicated to Alumni learning the B/S Song before we sung it at Second Degree this year. We were so excited to have alumni and so many actives present at the event. As the event began to progress, we quickly realized that it was just as important for the actives as well as the alumni to practice the B/S Song. From my own experience, I had only seen a hardcopy of the song once; when it was taught to the candidate classes Alpha Omicron and Beta Xi jointly. There were so many things that we as actives needed to fix, which made it a useful event for all in attendance. Most importantly, I learned that “and we’re for greater bands” is not nearly as high as most of the sisters had been singing it. After correcting and clarifying, we sung the song with and without the piano until we felt comfortable with our sound. The following night, we sounded wonderful as we celebrated the bond that is PsiEK!

-Micah Shaw, Alpha Omicron
Secretary of History and Alumni